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One Day Classes

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One day photo classes take place on location at various points across the UK, from

the Lake District to Southwold.


Each is themed. We may concentrate on

a particular idea (e.g. colour) 

or hone a technique (e.g. composition)

or concentrate on a subject (e.g. water).


Usually, the group will be on foot for the whole workshop. But don't worry, there won't be any forced marches. We might walk a mile or two from our starting point, which is not a great distance over the course of a day.

Click on the title or the photo to read more about upcoming one day landscape photography classes...

26th April '21

Near Thirsk,

North Yorkshire

David Ward &

Joe Cornish


27th April '21

Falling Foss,

North Yorkshire

David Ward &

Joe Cornish

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