Photo Workshops
This gallery is where I post my newest images and a few others that may be older but are new to this website.
Wild once meant not only untamed but fierce, savage, godforsaken, scary and ugly.
Now we rightly venerate the wild as something beautiful to be conserved.
It represents a diminishing chance for us to reconnect with our natural roots.​
Humans seem to find the gentle decay of things we have made endlessly intriguing and beautiful.
In these subjects I find the suggestion that things can grow old beautifully. Perhaps it's a joyful affirmation of the entropy that surrounds us.
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty – that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know"
John Keats
​It is this deeper meaning of beauty that I aspire for in my images, a quality that demands and holds your attention.
“The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible.”
Oscar Wilde
I like to confound, surprise and intrigue the viewer by playing with scale, lighting and composition.
"Make everything as simple as possible, but no simpler."
Albert Einstein
Simplicity, clarity and economy of line are things that I strive for.
The bare bones of our planet would be of little interest without the counterpoint provided by the diverse and infinitely beautiful forms that life brings to Earth.
Light's equal partner in photography is time:
Geological time, historical time, seasonal time or the diurnal time represented by the"golden hour".
And the time invested by the photographer.​
The landscape owes much to water in all of its forms.
Mountains and valleys have been shaped by ice and rivers. Seas have revealed the coastline and rain has given life to the land.
And let us not forget clouds: how poor the sky would be without the moods that they engender.