© Joe Cornish 2020
I have spent forty years travelling the world with my camera and my passion for the art and craft of photography continues to grow.
Childhood holidays in the Lake District and Cornwall led to a love of landscape and a desire to try and express my sense of wonder through art. Photography became a fascination as soon as I watched a print bloom into life in a developing tray.
I was accepted for the prestigious Film & Photographic Arts course at PCL in London and graduated with a BA Hons in 1983.
Stumbling out into the light and trying to make a living led to commissions for clients as diverse as the BBC, Country Living and a number of pet food manufacturers (best not to ask!).
After almost twenty years as an editorial and advertising photographer, a chance encounter with Charlie Waite resulted in me leading my first photographic workshop.
David Ward's camera looks deep into the landscape;
revealing texture, detail, rhythm and subtleties that most of us miss.
Joe Cornish

© Joe Cornish 2020
I never imagined myself teaching anything. To me teachers were people in tweed jackets, dusted lightly with blackboard chalk, trying to enthuse bored school kids who'd rather be watching TV.
But teaching photography in the great outdoors to eager participants proved to be both very enjoyable and creatively stimulating. I became as passionate about teaching as I had always been about photography. Since 1999, I have run over 200 workshops and tours. I still always look forward to my next!
Around 2000, I began to write about photography for magazines. Joe Cornish introduced me to his friend Eddie Ephraums and a plan was born to produce a book on the whys of landscape photography - as opposed to the hows. Landscape Within was published in 2004 and four years later I wrote Landscape Beyond. The tricky third opus is still knocking around in my head.
I hope you enjoy the galleries and I would love you to join me on a tour or workshop. Please use the contact page if you would like to get in touch.
Bye for now!

His eye for colour and form is without equal and he produces work that is startling in both its clarity and intensity.
Tim Parkin - On Landscape